
« Becket, Thomas Beckwith, Charles Minnigerode Beckwith, Clarence Augustine »

Beckwith, Charles Minnigerode

BECKWITH, CHARLES MINNIGERODE: Protestant Episcopal bishop of Alabama; b. in Prince George Co., Va., June 3, 1851. He studied at the University of Georgia (B.A., 1873), was master of the Sewanee Grammar School, University of the South (Sewanee, Tenn.), 1873–79, and was graduated from Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn., in 1881. He was ordered deacon and advanced to the priesthood in the same year, and was rector of St. Luke's, Atlanta, Ga. (1881–86), Christ Church, Houston, Tex. (1886–92), and Trinity, Galveston, Tex. (1892–1902). In 1902 he was consecrated fourth bishop of Alabama. He has written The Trinity Course of Church Instruction (New York, 1898) and The Teacher's Companion to the Trinity Course (1901).

« Becket, Thomas Beckwith, Charles Minnigerode Beckwith, Clarence Augustine »
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